Except it's not Halloween... it's Samhain (I have friends in the Divinity School). And I know people who will be dressed up as the Lacanian phallus, the Other, and Sexy Slavoj Zizek. These kids give Tom and his penumbra from last year a run for their money. Of course, I also know a guy from Ontario who's going as Canadian bacon. We like to mix up the level of discourse here at UChicago. Apparently.
Also, overheard immediately after my theory course lecture:
Girl: Hey! Hey you!
Dude: *turns around* STOP INTERPELLATING ME!
1 comment:
Well, Sierra Leonean Halloween is going to be low-key this year. I'll probably throw something together at the last moment.
I really wanted to go as a Concern Troll. (Those of you with ties to the blogging community know what that means. If you don't, you can Wikipedia it.)
I would dress as an ordinary troll, but I would give everyone unsolicited advice all night, counseling them to moderation.
"You really shouldn't go out tonight. You might drink too much and embarrass yourself. Best to stay at home and play it safe."
"I'm really worried that Halloween won't be that much fun this year. I know you're trying to make it a great party, but I hear the party down the street is a lot bigger. Plus, they have slivovitz."
You know the drill.
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