Saturday, December 6, 2008

No... There Is Another...

Breaking developments in the world of Memories this week, as it appears an Austrian company has made a strong move to continue manufacturing instant film. While PolaPremium is currently selling the tail end of Polaroid's production run, the Polaroid community is ablaze with rumours that the company has purchased the all-important machine stock and plans to re-start production in 2009. While the unfavorable currency conversion and $25 shipping charges from Europe limit the usefulness of PolaPremium, it's certainly encouraging that a credible hope exists. As for my part, I've stockpiled instant film reserves necessary to keep shooting at current rates through December 21, 2012, so I can wait and see how this plays out. 

Speaking of, here's the trailer for 2012: THE MOVIE, coming next year. From the director of Independence Day. So you know it's good!

1 comment:

Hilary Dobel said...

But John Cusack will save us! Won't he? WON'T HE?